Setup of your SIDRA OrgAdmin portal

Modified on: 2024-12-02 10:46:17 +1100

The SIDRA OrgAdmin portal is used to access and manage users for your FLOATING licence.

It is different from your SIDRA STORE Account (used to download your software, review your licence(s) status, update contact details, edit subscription and purchase COVER renewal) and your SUPPORT Account (used to communicate with us regarding any aspect of your licence, obtain priority technical support and view our support solutions).

Our Sales office will set up your SIDRA OrgAdmin portal:

  • after a first-time purchase of a FLOATING Licence, or
  • when we introduce the system at time of a major new software release (for existing eligible customers).

This process will involve the steps below.

Step 1: SIDRA Sales Office to setup portal

Our Sales office will set up the SIDRA OrgAdmin portal using the email of the Licence Contact for your organisation. This is the same contact used in your STORE Account.

Once this is done, a system generated email invitation will be sent to the Licence Contact.

Please follow the steps below carefully to setup your portal without any issues. If you have any problems, please contact us immediately for assistance.

Note: Only one portal is allocated to an organisation.

Step 2: Invitation to join your SIDRA OrgAdmin portal

After the invitation to join your SIDRA OrgAdmin portal has been sent, you should receive this in your inbox. Please check your junk mail folder if you have not received your invite.

You must accept the invitation and then you will then need to confirm your email address after the invitation has been accepted.

Email used to setup portal

You will not be able to change the email address used for setup of the SIDRA OrgAdmin portal later as this is locked to the account.

If the invitation does not work

If the invitation is expired or does not work, you will see an error message titled ‘Invitation not found’.

In this case, you will not be able to use this invitation and another one will need to be sent via the SIDRA OrgAdmin portal.

Step 2a: Invitation to set up your SIDRA FLOATING Licence Account

  1. An email will be sent to you with the subject header Invitation to set up your SIDRA FLOATING Licence Account, and will be sent from
  2. Click the View Your Invitations link in the body of the email.
  3. This will open a page in your default browser. To continue, you must click Accept.
  4. Enter your: First name, Last name and Password (including confirmation).
  5. Select your Country from the drop down box.
  6. Click the Terms and Conditions check box.
  7. Click the Sign up button to continue.

A validation email will then be sent to your email address.

Step 2b: Confirm email address

  1. An email will be sent to you with the subject header Please confirm your email address. This will be sent from
  2. Click the Confirm email address link in the body of the email.
  3. Your SIDRA User Profile will then be confirmed and you will be logged in to this account in your default browser.


  • You will be the Administrator for your SIDRA OrgAdmin portal.
  • You will also be able to function as an End User.
  • To sign in to your SIDRA OrgAdmin portal, follow the steps below in Step 3.

Step 3: Sign in to the SIDRA OrgAdmin portal

After successful setup of the portal, the Licence Contact can sign in.

To sign in to the SIDRA OrgAdmin portal:

  1. Go to SIDRA OrgAdmin
  2. Type in your Email then click Next.
  3. Type in your Password in the following window, then click Sign in.

If you have activated the 2nd factor authentication via the SIDRA User Profile portal, enter the 6-digit code from the configured MFA device (such as Microsoft Authenticator), then click Sign in. By default, 2nd factor authentication is not activated.

Step 4: Invite End Users / Allocate other Admins

After signing in to the SIDRA OrgAdmin portal, the Licence Contact can start inviting End Users.

During this process, you can click Assign Admin access if you wish to authorise the user as another Administrator of your SIDRA OrgAdmin account.

Read articles:
How to manage End Users

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