- If you have multiple 1PC licences, each 1PC licence must be activated individually on its designated computer.
- You will need your License ID (starts with the number 6) and Password for licence activation.
How to activate a 1PC Licence in SIDRA INTERSECTION
- Run the software.
- Click the Licensing Tab in the ribbon.
- For SIDRA INTERSECTION 9.1 and 9.0, select the 1PC option (radio button), click Activate button in the 1PC Licence group.For SIDRA INTERSECTION 8 or earlier version, select the Fixed option (radio button). This refers to the 1PC licence type (as opposed to FLOATING licence). Click Activate Licence in the Fixed Licensing group.
- In the Activate Licence dialog, select Online Activation.
- Enter the Licence ID, Password and Installation Name. Installation Name is optional. An example for Installation Name could be your Computer Name.
- If you need to enable Proxy Server for the internet connection, you can specify it in the Online Activation group.
- Click Activate button.
- Wait for the processing to be completed and a message given.
- If you get the message "Licence <ID> is activated successfully", click OK to start using the software in a licensed state.
Licence information
- When the program is successfully licenced, an unlock icon will appear at the bottom right corner of the user interface.
- Your Customer ID, Company Name and Licence Type will appear on the status bar (bottom right), and will be displayed in software output reports.
- Your Company Name, Customer ID, Licence ID and Licence Type will appear in the Software Info or About dialog under the File button.
Activation Failure
At the end of the activation process described above, you may get the message "Activation Failed" with a message related to the problem. A Web Service Error Number may also be given indicating a problem.